*note: this giveaway is now closed.
Over the last several months, we’ve drastically reduced the amount of bread that we buy at the grocery store. Now that I’ve become comfortable making yeast breads, there just isn’t a reason to buy it anymore. Working with yeast used to intimidate me. I have very vivid memories of my Grandma making rolls for Sunday dinner – not only was her dough the smoothest, most supple* bread dough I’ve ever seen, but the rolls themselves were fantastically amazing. And she made it look easy. The first time I tried to make her rolls on my own, it didn’t work. Didn’t work the second time, either. It was that point that I gave up on yeast breads, and didn’t try them again for years.
*Occasionally, I find myself using the word supple on this blog. It’s among my least favorite words in the English dictionary, and it makes me cringe, but I just can’t think of a better descriptive word for perfect dough. I apologize. {Other words that bother me include moist, creamy and luscious. I realize I have issues.}
I’m glad I decided to give homemade bread another try. I’m just not sure what I would do without these in my life. Grandma’s rolls were slightly sweet, egg-y, and so, so tender. Even now, after years of practice with yeast breads, when I follow her recipe precisely, it just doesn’t come out the way I remember it.
Then, I found this recipe. It’s also fantastically amazing. It even has a nice, supple *cough* dough. And, it’s the closest thing I’ve had to my Grandma’s sweet dinner rolls since she last made them for us.
This recipe is enormous, but you could easily halve it to fit your needs. Or, you could be like me and make two full recipes in the same week. I recommend that.
The other great thing about this recipe is that you don’t have to have a stand mixer to get the job done. If you have one, by all means use it and save yourself some elbow grease.
If you don’t have one, you can just use your muscles and a wooden spoon.
Or, you could totally win a KitchenAid stand mixer here, on Lemon Sugar. Yep, I’m giving one away. Yep, little old Lemon Sugar is giving away a KitchenAid 5-quart Artisan stand mixer. Whatever color you want. No big deal.
*note: this giveaway is now closed.
Except that it’s TOTALLY a big deal! I’m so thrilled to bring this to you all! I’ve worked so hard over the past two years to grow my blog to the point that I could host a giveaway of this magnitude. It’s thanks to you all that I am still able to share my randomness, recipes and ramblings every week, and I just can’t do enough to show my appreciation.
So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thanks for reading, for sharing my posts with your friends, and for all of your kind words and for coming back time after time. This little giveaway is my way of giving back to you.
- Leave a comment below telling me which color you would choose {click here for colors}, AND (within the same comment) what you would make with your new mixer first.
- Like Lemon Sugar on Facebook. Return and post a comment that you did so. (If you already like Lemon Sugar on Facebook, leave a comment stating that as well.)
- Share your favorite Lemon Sugar recipe on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. Return and post a comment stating you did so.
- Subscribe for email updates on Lemon Sugar. Return and post a comment stating that you did so.
- Tweet about or share giveaway with your friends on Twitter or Facebook. Return and post a comment stating you did so.
Good luck, and enjoy the rolls!
*note: this giveaway is now closed.
Sweet Dinner Rolls
Yield: 24 large rolls
Prep Time: 15 minutes ♦ Rise/Proof Time: 2 hours ♦ Bake Time: 18 minutes
- 2 cups whole milk (2% is fine)
- 1/2 cup plus 1 Tablespoon sugar, divided
- 1/3 cup unsalted butter
- 2 teaspoons kosher salt
- 2 packages (or 4 and 1/2 teaspoons) active dry yeast
- 2/3 cup warm water
- 8-9 cups all purpose flour
- 2 beaten eggs
In a medium saucepan over low heat, combine milk, 1/2 cup sugar, butter and salt. Heat until butter melts, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and allow to cool to lukewarm. If it’s too hot, it will kill the yeast.
While the milk is cooling, dissolve the yeast and 1 Tablespoon of sugar in the warm water. Allow to stand for 10 minutes until the yeast bubbles and foams.
In a very large mixing bowl, combine the lukewarm milk and three cups of the flour. Stir together with a wooden spoon until well combined. Stir in the yeast mixture, and stir with wooden spoon for a couple of minutes to ensure the yeast is properly distributed. Add the beaten eggs, and stir to combine.
Then, one cup at a time, stir the remaining flour into the mixture. You will stir until the dough is very soft and and coming away from the sides of the bowl, but it will remain very sticky to the touch. Don’t add too much flour or your rolls will become dense and heavy.
Cover the bowl with a clean towel and allow to rise in a warm, draft-free area until doubled in bulk – about one hour. (I like to heat my oven to 170 degrees and then turn it off, and allow rolls to rise in there.)
Spray two 9×13 baking dishes with cooking spray or butter generously. Punch down risen dough and divide into four equal pieces. Then, divide each of those into two pieces. You should have eight pieces of dough. Divide each of those into six rolls. Place twelve rolls into each dish, cover with a towel and allow to rise for 45 minutes (or until doubled in bulk.) Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Remove towels and bake rolls for 15-18 minutes or until golden brown and sound hollow when tapped. Mine usually take closer to 20 minutes. If desired, brush some melted butter over the tops of the rolls when they come out of the oven.
Allow to cool in the pans, then remove and store in an airtight container for up to 3 days.
Recipe Source: Adapted slightly from Eat Cake For Dinner
I would pick the bayleaf color! The first thing I would make is cheesecake!
I follow Lemon Sugar on Facebook!
I’d pick empire red and make a big cheesecake! Love your site, you won me over a long time ago!
I would choose the contour silver – love how sleek it looks! And I would definitely make this dinner roll recipe first as I too have not been able to find “just the right one”. 🙂
I already follow Lemon-Sugar on facebook.
i follow Lemon sugar on facebook i have shared my fav recipe on facebook i am also following via email i have always wanted the red mixer i would make my famous homemade rainbow cakes!
i also shared this contest on facebook
I just shared – on facebook – your chocolate cupcakes with the strawberry swiss meringue buttercream. Made them this weekend and it’s my new favorite frosting:)
I have also just shared the giveaway to all my facebook peeps!
I have subscribed to your email updates as well:)
I already follow Lemon Sugar on Facebook. 🙂
I would chose the blue one and I would make bread.
I liked you on Facebook
I would choose the yellow one (actual color names aren’t coming up 🙁 ) and I’d make my Grandma’s bread recipe to make her homemade cinnamon rolls.
I shared the giveaway on Facebook. 🙂
I just shared your lemon drop cupcakes on Facebook. I ate these for 3 straight days before having Nolan…not sure I can say they worked for me, but they were delicious!
I would pick the Aqua Blue mixer- and I would probably make homemade brownies first 🙂
I follow Lemon Sugar on Facebook 🙂
I posted a link to your blog on Facebook
I posted the link to the giveaway/blog to twitter
I would choose the Empire Red Kitchen Aid, and some homemade chocolate chip cookies would be the first thing I would make.
I follow Lemon Sugar on Facebook!
I shared your stuff crust pizza recipe on Facebook!
I now get email updates from Lemon Sugar!
Posted about the Giveaway on Facebook! =)
I already ‘like’ Lemon Sugar on facebook. I would like a red Kitchenaid mixer.
gorgeous photos!
I would definitely get the aqua sky!!! It looks so cute. The first thing I’d make with it would probably be chocolate chip cookies, cause it’s always good to start with the classics.
The dinner rolls look amazing too- especially with jam smeared all over them. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Shared the recipe on Google+. My email is: gigglesmirks@hotmaill.com
If I won, I would choose metallic chrome. I would make Oatmeal Raisin sheet cake. It’s one of the first recipes I remember making with my grandma.
I already like Lemon Sugar on Facebook!!
I shared the giveaway on Facebook!
I would choose the color “ice”. And the first thing I would make is LOADS OF COOKIES!
I already like Lemon Sugar on FB. Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow, I love this giveaway! I don’t have a mixer at all and have been using a good old wooden spoon for all my baking projects- eek! 🙂
Thanks for this, I love reading your blog 🙂
I get Lemon Sugar updates via email.
Oops, I forgot- I would love the yellow mixer- and what would I make with it? Probably my grandmother’s sunshine squares (chocolate chip bars, essentially).
I follow you on Facebook, too!
I would choose the Bayleaf mixer and I would make a huge batch of monster cookies!!
I just liked Lemon Sugar on FB!!
Shared your Pumpkin Gooey Butter cake recipe on Twitter!!
Subscribed to email updates!
Tweeted about the giveaway!!!!
I would love to receive the teal color. And the first thing I would make is sugar cookies.
I am already a fan on facebook.
I shared the giveaway on personal facebook page.
I shared the giveaway on my foodie fan page.
I shared your almond joy bars on facebook.
I just Tweeted about the giveaway 🙂
I love the white. I would make some butter cream icing.
EEEEK! This makes me as giddy as a kid on Christmas morning!
~ If I won I’d love the standard stainless steel (whomp whomp:) The first thing I’d make is the soft breadsticks – yeast (yikes)! – I don’t have a hook, so I’d tackle my fears right off the bat.
~ I’ve “liked” on FB for a while.
~ Just signed up for email notifications from LS.
~ Shared the giveaway on FB!
Woohoo for giveways, and a bigger WOOHOO for your blogging! Thanks 🙂
I’m loving the light blue… gorgeous! The first thing I’d make it my new mixer would be these rolls, they look delish!
I follow by email updates
Ahhhh I would love the boysenberry or the pistachio colored one! So stinking pretty. And the first thing I would made is a batch of my favorite chocolate chip cookies, with peanut butter, semisweet, and white chocolate chips.
I most definitely like you on Facevook
I tweeted about the giveaway
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I would choose the yellow one. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I subscribed to email updates.
What a fun giveaway! The color I would choose would be yellow mixer!
I would make your Sweet dinner rolls!! they look a amazing!!!
I’m a fan of Lemon Sugar on Facebook!!
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I share your giveaway on Facebook!!
I Tweeted about the giveaway and subscribed to email updates. I’d pick the yellow and make a big chocolate cake!!
Jenny Butler
This is amazing! I love the “pistachio” color, and I think blueberry lemon scones would be the first baking endeavor.
whatadayitsbeen at gmail.com
Consider yourself “liked” on the facebook!
whatadayitsbeen at gmail.com
I am receiving email updates from lemon-sugar!
whatadayitsbeen at gmail.com
I Love the Aqua Sky color … And I would make a rich chocolate cake!
Nicole – wonkywonderful@gmail.com
I love the Tangerine one. It’s so bright and happy. First thing I would make is a monkey bread. Or any other yeast bread treat. I hate hand kneading.
I follow you on FB 🙂
I am a LemonSugar FB fan under my personal fb page & blog page 🙂
Nicole – wonkywonderful@gmail.com
I shared the German Chocolate Fudge Cake on FB – and I pinned it because it looks really good … now I am craving 🙂
Nicole – wonkywonderful@gmail.com
I subscribed to LemonSugar via email 🙂
Nicole – wonkywonderful@gmail.com
I shared the giveaway on facebook. Thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway … Fingers Crossed 🙂
Nicole – wonkywonderful@gmail.com
I would pick aqua sky 🙂
OOps…forgot to tell you what I’d make. I’d pick the aqua sky mixer and my first conconction would most definitely be Swiss meringue buttercream frosting! I always like to have some in the freezer for last-minute cakes!
OK, back again. Liked Lemon-Sugar on facebook!
And…once more! I shared your Oatmeal Cupcake recipe on my facebook page 🙂
I tweeted your giveaway.
Phew…last requirement! I subscribed to get emails from your site (via Google). Thanks for hosting this contest! kelly.hailstone@gmail.com
I would so make these rolls!! I love to bake so any color would be great. Maybe Blue 🙂
I would love an orange color mixer and I wanted to make a lot of bread with it. Save me the hassle of kneading it by hands. Wan
I would totally want the bright green color! The first thing I would make would probably be meringues! It would be so much fun to watch the egg whites whip up all smooth and glossy and wonderful!
I would choose any color because it would be a great win. I am a fan of basic white. I would make some breads witht he hook!
I would have to pick the Green Apple, it’s just so cheerful! And, I think I’ll make these sweet dinner rolls. Sweet and bread in the same recipe just sounds too good not to try!
You already have my facebook like!
Since I have an apple green kitchen, I would have to go with the white Kitchen Aide. Right now I would use it to mix up a giant batch of pumpkin bread!
I already like you on FB. Wish there was a LOVE!
Now I’m subscribed to your feed by email, too 🙂
Shared the contest on FB!!
And just shared ONE of my favorite recipes on FB.
Our kitchen could use a splash of color. So either Candy Apple Red or we replace our aging black one with another Black. First thing we’d make is our fall favorite oatmeal cranberry cookies.
I like Lemon Sugar on Facebook.
I just signed up to receive emails. 🙂
I’m a fan of yours on FB:)!
I just signed up to receive your emails!!
I shared my favorite recipe on FB, the devils fudge cupcake with ganache filling! Still my fave!!!!
Blue willow! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!
I always wanted a pink Kitchen Aid mixer! Hot pink or light pink! I just love the color!! The first thing I would make would be some fresh homemade bread!!
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I know like you on Facebook!
I like Lemon sugar on Facebook
Tweeted your giveaway!! I cc you on the post!!
I would choose the Boysenberry ( I think–I like waaay too many colors) But I would absolutely make your Champagne Cupcakes first!
I subscribe to Lemon Sugar by email
I shared your Champagne Cupcakes recipe on Facebook
I shared this giveaway on Facebook
Awesome Giveaway! I’d take a kitchenaid in the candy apple red!
I already follow you on Facebook!
and I subscribe by e-mail, that’s how I found this giveaway!
I follow lemon sugar on facebook, under my personal account (lindsay stotts), and i think my mommy’s sweet confessions, and I would love the caviar color! Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway, mine broke a year ago, and I used it every few days, it is so depressing. I think the first thing I would make would be some killer nutella buttercream frosting, whipped to fluffy perfection!
I’m a lemon sugar fan! Just call me a stalker cuz I follow you everywhere! Been coveting the turquoise mixer for months! ally
Ally. Me too. Goes with my Dishes.
Turquoise for me!!!!! So betro/boho/happy!
Liked you on facebook! And I really do like your page!
Ok just tweeted and shared on facebook too! can you tell I’d love the mixer…did I say truquoise? Oh good!
Definately yellow since its my favorite color and I would make a cake. servedupwithlove@yahoo.com
I liked you on facebook, servedupwithlove@yahoo.com
Green Apple would be my choice. If I win – I will polish it, stare at it, take a photo of it, and eventually make all my xmas cookies in it but I really don’t want to get it dirty. Too pretty to use. I just like to stare at it. lol
I’m a new follower on FB. I don’t like Twitter, sorry! I will share on FB for the world to see!
I will gladly subscribe to all your blog posts – done!
Thank you! 🙂
L follow on Facebook.
I would like the white since I just redid my kitchen in white. I would make some bread first, I think.
I’m in love with the yellow mixer!!
shared on facebook and with friends 🙂
Jennie Taylor
I love to cook every day, I would love to have the Red or Black mixer, either would look Great in my kitchen. I enjoy baking from scratch, and always trying new recipes. The first thing I would mix up would be a Chocolate Cake [anything chocolate]……..Thanks for a chance to WIN !!
Lovely post. You need to make some Limoncello too! Check under Notes on facebook and on my blog! What a beautiful page. I was just looking into finally breaking down and buying one. I would be thrilled to have any color. If I have to choose, Guess it would be stainless. I am Barbara Giacometti from Sunday at the Giacometti’s, eatgreatfood@hotmail.com! Cheers! I am sharing!
Oh the Empire Red for me!! I’ve wanted one in that color for at least a decade now:) The first thing I would make with it would be homemade pasta:)
Liked your page on facebook and glad to have found it!
Just posted a tasty honey dijon chicken recipe to my facebook page:)
Subscribed for emails and really looking forward to learning some new recipes! I am an aspiring baker in particular myself and have experimented quite a bit with yeast and sourdough breads along with pizza doughs, muffins, bisquits, and my personal favorite scones!
Just shared this oh so wonderful give away and am excited to be playing!!
I’d LOVE the yellow mixer!!! I’d make some homemade potato bread!!!!
I’d like the yellow mixer! I’d make homemade bread and for sure those sweet dinner rolls!
I just found you through Mia’s Domain on Facebook! I love your page!
I would love the metallic chrome if I won, I’ve had my eye on that one for awhile, and I can think of several things to make but i think first up would be a lemon meringue for my husband’s homecoming in a few weeks.
Hi, Erin! What a wonderful contest! If I had the opportunity to choose, I would without a doubt choose the gloss cinnamon color. It’s so beautiful! It made me happy. It’s warm and inviting! Everything a home cook should be! xo
Hi, Erin! I was a already a big fan and a personal Facebook friend and I “liked ” you again this morning as “Cooking with Elise!” xo
I would love the white mixer. Would match with anything. I too have a fear of yeast so my first would be your sweet rolls. Thanks for the chance to win.
I love the yellow. I retweeted your post. Those rolls look outstanding.
Just like your page as myself and as my page, Simply Gourmet.
Tweeted and facebooked about your contest and my favorite recipe so far- your Rustic Apple Tart! xo
Signed up to receive your email! xo
METALLIC CHROME would be my choice of color to bake your fab sweet dinner rolls recipe
METALLIC CHROME would be my choice of color to bake your fab sweet dinner rolls recipe
liked on fb patriciastepp@ymail.com
I just shared your pumpkin cream cheese muffins on facebook! These are on the top of my have to try list, I love anything cream cheese and the hubs loves pumpkin. It’s a win win
Shared this recipe on fb http://www.lemon-sugar.com/2012/08/chocolate-chip-pumpkin-spice-bars.html
doing an ingredient check now YUM!!
I chose empire red and i would make gluten free chocolate chip cookies for my daughter!
Liked lemon sugar on Facebook!
I liked you on facebook, also I love the blue mixer and would make some nice bread.
I have shared carrot cake recipe Facebook, I’m making it this weekend!
Empire Red…and the first thing I’d attempt to make is gluten free bread because it’s so dang expensive buying it.
I’m a fan on Facebook
I liked Lemon Sugar on Facebook!
I would make cinnamon rolls and I would pick the color Contour Silver
I would make rustic rosemary bread.
I liked Lemon Sugar on Facebook
I would pick bayleaf
I “liked” you on Facebook
I would like the onyx black mixer. The first yummy thing I would make would be pecan rolls!
I like the Ice color, and I would probably make good ole chocolate chip cookies!
I like Lemon Sugar on Facebook!
I shared your delicious Homemade Ding Dongs on Facebook. Sorry, I don’t Twitter or I would share there too!
I subscribed for email updates!
I tweeted your giveaway on Twitter. Sorry I don’t have Facebook.
I subscribed to email updates.
Love the Imperial Red. I’ve kind of become the “official cake maker for family events, so one of those would probably be my first use!
I would pick the stainless steel and would make some chocolate chip cookies! My specialty.
I just “shared” the giveaway on facebook completing everything necessary to enter the contest! Sooooo want to win the onyx black mixer! Thanks for the opportunity!
I am signed up for email notifications on lemon sugar, thanks for the opportunity to win mkp045@gmail.com
I liked Lemon Sugar on facebook.
I shared the giveaway with my friends on Facebook! Thanks mkp045@gmail.com
I love the tangerine color, so Fall like!!! but i love all the color i have to say!!! amazing
I love the white or stainless! What a sweet thing to give away!
I would love one in any color, and I would make strawberry cupcakes 🙂 and my fav honey wholewheat muffins
I did like you on FaceBook
I liked you on Facebook! Nice page!
I shared your Smith Island Cake recipe link on Twitter. ( @judyswitz)
I subscribed! 🙂
I tweeted info about your giveaway ( @judyswitz )
I tweeted!
I think I would just go with White. I bake a lot of cookies, rolls and make homemade noodles. I would make them all in the first weekend of using it! Thank you for the entry.
I “Like” you on FB.
Thank you for the additional entry.
I have shared this giveaway on my personal FB account. Thank you for the additional entry. http://www.facebook.com/Lambitious
I penned, tweeted and FB your better than sex cake Yummy
I think I’d have to pick the majestic yellow : )
I like on you facebook as Cherished Bliss
I tweeted! : )
I really want this mixer, I also FB and Tweeted your free offer 🙂 Good luck to me!!1
My husband would want a black mixer, but I LOVE the Ice Blue color. I’d make a batch of muffins in my new mixer.
I am a facebook fan :o)
I shared your Little Coconut Cream Pies on my Hun… What’s for Dinner? FB page
My husband and I cook all the time and have wanted one of these for a long time. I have enter to win one every chance I could with no luck, maybe this time will be different. I am definitely crushing on that yellow one.
Tweeted about your giveaway.
Liked and Shared on facebook.
Tweeted about the giveaway @HunWFD
Signed up for emails.
i have liked lemon sugar on facebook, i would choose the graphite/gray color and would first try a coconut-based gluten-free bread or pastry, including organic lemon juice, coconut flakes and lemon zest!
subscribed to e-mails, pinned to pinterest (following there, too!)
I liked Lemon Sugar on Facebook. I would LOVE the red one. The first thing I would make is your Sweet Rolls. I haven’t had much luck with my breads but you make it sound so easy. It’s time to give it another try. YUMMM
I shared the Giveaway on Facebook.
I can’t afford to buy one, but I have always wanted one. I would love the black, white or turquoise one. The first thing I would make is my Aunt Macy’s 7-flavor pound cake. I live in NJ and she lived in MD. I would drive down to visit her every month or so. She would make me a cake everytime I visited. I would eat 1/2 the cake in my 3-4 hour trip home…njadelld@optonline.net
I have been trying to leave a comment- so I would choose Magestic Yellow because it is my daughter’s favorite color and I think we would make bread! I liked on Facebook, followed on twitter, shared on FB and twitter, followed on Pinterest and follow your blog. Thanks! kimberleyskitchen@live.ca
Would want the classic WHITE!!!!!! Would make a Chocolate Banana Cake first!!!!!!!!!
I like the grey color. I think cinnamon rolls would be my first thing to make.
I like Lemon Sugar on facebook
I subscribe for emails from Lemon Sugar
I would love the black one, or the green or the red, heck I really dont care about the color. I have always wanted a stand mixer and never been able to afford one. And the first thing I would make would be a homemade angel food cake. No preservatives, oh yummy
Denise Alberty-Small on FB
I am already a fan on facebook.
Denise Alberty-Small
Ive posted my fave recipe on FB.
Denise Alberty-Small
I would love pistachio and I would make a cake first (:
I already like lemon sugar on fb (:
I shared my favorite lemon sugar recipe on fb (:
I shared this giveaway on fb (:
I’m already subscribed to your emails (:
I’d choose the gray one.
I’d make a chocolate cake.
I woule LOVE a stand mixer and would choose boysenberry. The first thing I would make would probably be sweetbread.
I liked Lemon Sugar on facebook.
I shared my favorite Lemon Sugar recipe (rustic apple tart) on facebook.
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I shared about the contest on facebook.
I would want a light yellow color and I would make my Mom’s lemon cake.
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shared on facebook
I would go for the yellow 🙂 And make creme de menthe cake first!
Deb E at debme@juno.com
Majestic Yellow of course!! Definitely to bring some sunshine to my kitchen! Your Facebook page is liked and i am looking forward to the Pinterest & email updates too! The thing I love most about your posting is your style and from what I have seen so far — I would love to have you as a neighbor! Thanks for the opportunity! Monica Wasemiller – justsewhappy@yahoo.com
I would pick metallic blue. And the first thing I would do with it is chocolate mousse cake.
I subscribed to your email update.
I have liked on Facebook previously. I would choose Boysenberry color and make my famous chocolate chip cookies!
I like the black gray one!buckley_donna@hotmail.com
Though the black or stainless would go better I. My kitchen, I just live that soft blue one above. I reminds me of the one my grandma had. Makes me feel sentimental. 🙂 as for what recipe?? Hmmm…since in feelin nostalgic, maybe grandpa’s favorite Impossible Pie.
Though the black or stainless would go better I. My kitchen, I just live that soft blue one above. I reminds me of the one my grandma had. Makes me feel sentimental. 🙂 as for what recipe?? Hmmm…since in feelin nostalgic, maybe grandpa’s favorite Impossible Pie.
I like, well actually LOVE, Lemon Sugar on Facebook. 🙂
Oh my! Onyx Black would be the one I want….matches the appliances (yeah I know….boring) Anywho….what to make, so many things, so little time. Probably a cheesecake….or maybe a Red Velvet cake…or maybe Grandmother’s dinner rolls….oh wait, maybe another poundcake. I don’t currently follow your blog, but since Ally stalks you, that’s good enough for me. Off I go to check you out.
I subscribed to email updates. gcharles40@gmail.com
I shared your give-away on Facebook. 🙂
I shared your Creme Brulee – one of my favorite desserts my mom made growing up- and the Homemade Ricotta Cheese.
I would love the Stainless Steel one. I would be perfect!!! I would make your Better Than Sex cake. 🙂
I shared your give-away on FB,
I shared that wonderful looking Better-Than-Sex-Cake! Can’t wait to make it!
I subscribed to your eamils. einarb1127@gmail.com
Liked FB page and shared event.
Green Apple or Tangerine … two of my favorite colors. First thing I’d bake? Cookies!! Used to use Ma’s larger mixer when I was younger and people always raved and craved! 🙂
Cornflower blue 🙂 I would definitely make a batch of monster cookies.
I like Lemon Sugar on FB
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Tweeted about the giveaway https://twitter.com/akitchenaddict/status/249965911577088003
I tweeted the pumpkin cream cheese muffins!
I’d pick the grey! And then make chocolate chip cookies!
I’d pick the grey! And then make chocolate chip cookies!
Oh and my e-mail is rebelangston@gmail.com
I liked Lemon Sugar on facebook 🙂
I would pick the cobalt blue and would make double chocolate chip cookies 🙂 Hopefully with a mixer they’d make it to the oven instead of eaten as cookie dough 🙂
I shared this link as well as Lemon Sugar on facebook 🙂
I liked your page on Facebook, and I really do like your page. Therealhappyhomemaker@gmail.com
I liked you on Facebook and I really do like your page. Therealhappyhomemaker@gmail.com
I think I would enjoy the white Kitchen Aid Mixer and the first thing I would make would be the Little Coconut Cream Pies. Therealhappyhomemaker@gmail.com
I choose black
I would make my daughter’s birthday cake, barbie style to be exact
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
and I love blue willow
Choosing a color is so hard. I like the black because my stove is black, the coffee pot is black but I like the yellow one too it would help to add some color to my kitchen. What would I make first once it was sitting on my counter? I believe that I would use it to make the roll recipe that you have on this page. I have been trying to make yeast bread and rolls lately however it is hard because I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and it makes it hard to knead the dough. I have found some any new and exciting recipes that I would like to try but so many of them say to use the paddles on your mixer or dough hooks.
These are so good….thank you for sharing the recipe
I have liked you on facebook and I would love the white kitchen aid mixer.
These sound easy & delicious!
I’ve ALWAYS wanted one of these (in black) and I’d use the dough hook attachment to make these rolls – they look absolutely delicious (ok, I’ll be making them soon even without the mixer cuz they’re so easy)
Liked on Facebook (and followed on Pinterest too)
Shared your Sweet Orange Rolls on Facebook – they remind me of ones my mother use to make (and never left a recipe for – so guess what I’ll be making soon 🙂
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