First and foremost, I am not a photographer, but I LOVE taking pictures. Since I started blogging, I decided I better figure out how to take a decent picture because presentation is such a big part of food and its appeal.
I have been using the Nikon D5000 since early 2012, but I recently purchased the Nikon D7100. The D5000 more than met my needs and I chose that one for several reasons, the first being its price point, but also because it is a user friendly camera that will grow with me. I am slowly learning the ins and outs of the D7100 and so far, I love it. I’ve also been slowly increasing my lens collection, but most of my shots are captured with my macro lens, the 55mm f1/4.
I should also mention that I have just acquired Photoshop Elements and LightRoom 4 on the advice of a friend, and although I use LightRoom for almost everything I do, Photoshop does come in handy occasionally.
My first post with my new camera is the Oatmeal Cream Pie post, all of the photos before that were taken with my HTC Evo. Yep, that’s right, the camera on my phone. =) It’s funny, once you figure out some basic composition and staging, a good photo is all in the editing.
I am now enjoying photography almost as much as I enjoy baking and cooking! Wish me luck (and patience) as I try to figure out my new camera!
Believe it or not, I’ve actually had requests to use photos I’ve taken. I know…unbelievable! I absolutely don’t mind as long as proper credit is given with a link back to the website, and drop me a note to let me know you’ve used one of my pictures. Thanks!
I’m also finally Instagram. Follow along if you like – my user name is lemonsugarblog.
Thanks for your interest in my photography efforts! 🙂
Legal Stuff:
All recipes and their respective images on this website are original and the sole property of Lemon Sugar© 2011-2015, with all rights reserved. All content herein is meant for your personal enjoyment only and is in no way to be used for commercial purposes. Other than linking to a page, sharing on social media sites (with credit and links), or pinning an image on Pinterest, Lemon Sugar asks that you do not copy or otherwise use these food images or original recipes for any other purpose without contacting her first and getting express written permission. Use of this site automatically constitutes your agreement to these terms.